Bruce + Bruce
Chartered Architects and Building Surveyors
Manchester Huddersfield Leeds St Andrews
Mobile 07831 227283 Tel 01484847722 eml

Professional Services

1.0 Sketch Design
2.0 Planning Applications
From careful interaction and discussion with our clients we work to formulate a design brief that reflects their needs and aspirations.
Based on the brief designs are prepared and cost checked till an agreed scheme is finalised.
The designs can then be presented in 2d or 3d drawings for client approval
From an agreed design we will carry out discussions with the planning Authority taking advice from other Specialist consultants if necessary and prepare a planning application.
We can obtain competitive quotes for any specialist reports necessary to support the application from a list of consultants we have dealt with previously.
The progress of the application is then monitored through to determination.
3.0 Building Regulation submission Constructional drawings and specifications
Preparation of drawings into information for a building regulation submission with relevant specifications. Where required these drawings and specifications can be developed into full working drawings.
Advice on appointment of structural and HVAC SAP BREAM and other design consultants to assist in detailed design
Coordination of all information to produce a package of information for construction costing and contract
5.0 Building Surveys and Reports
Types of Survey Underatken:-
General Building Condition surveys
Structural reports in response to valuation surveys
Full Structual surveys
Schedules of Dilapidations for leases
4.0 Building Contract
Advice on appropriate form of Contract for the project.
Advice on selection of contractors
Preparation of contract documents and tendering process
Supervision of Building Contract
Certification for contract and financial Instituions
Practical completion
6.0 CML and Architects Certificates
We supervise construction to provide CML Certificates for residential developments and individaul houses . CML Certificates are acceptable to all the major Building Societies and Banks to make properties mortgageable.
7.0 Expert Testimony
We are experienced in preparing Expert Testimony for court in the following fields:-
Building Regulations
Boundary disputes
Constructional standards
Stone claddings to multi storey buildings
We can prepare Scott schedules to meet court requirements.