Bruce + Bruce
Chartered Architects and Building Surveyors
Manchester Huddersfield Leeds St Andrews
Mobile 07831 227283 Tel 01484847722 eml


Ashton Self Store
This project for Millbrook Investments Ltd started in 2010 and is ongoing. The Building comprises of a four level steel framed self store with associated workshops and offices. Our role has been a full Architectural service with project management. Overall project value circa £3M

The Saddleworth Hotel
We have a longstanding association with this high end hotel . The owners have developed the site and business continuously over the last 40 years. The latest Project is a new swimming pool and leisure facilty which is under construction. The clients always demand the highest standard of finish.

The Steelworks Chester
This project for Rammon Group Properties Ltd is the conversion of a group of Industrial Builldings into Workshops and offices. The project is currently on site .

Warehouse and Offices for Futura Ltd Rochdale
This steel portal building for a leather fabric wholesaler company was a Full Architectural Service including site supervision Project value £900K

Factory for Gauge Developments Ltd Guide Bridge
This factory building for the production of specialized pressure gauges was a full Architectural service with Project Management. Project vale £800K

Proposed new Self store in Guernsey for Millbrook Investments Ltd
This scheme is for a new extension to an existing commecial building in St Peter Port. The scheme is for longstanding clients and is currently under development